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exhibitions (upcoming or in progress)

Comming soon;

- Expo '' Le temps qui plane'' at Centre Municipal of St-Constant from 9 of Oct. to 13 of Feb. 330 Wifrid-Lamarche, St-Constant.

*"Radioactive' was selected by jury at  the 'expo-concours' at Laprairie. 

To see the video of the speach about the award and to know the reason behind the choice, I invite you to click on the button below. -The video is in French.

👉👉👉 for more info, click de botton below

*If you ever go to Italiy in Rome, don't hesitate to make a visit to Rossocinabro Gallery, right in the center of this wonderful capital. 
You could ask to see three of my art pieces.

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Where art rubs shoulders with psychology and the environment!

Monique Boudreau's contemporary paintings, half abstract, half surreal, offer you an excursion into a universe that is sometimes connected with psy fi.

The artist plays with mixed techniques to offer you a unique journey.

Her wish is to take you beyond the art piece. Depending on what she wishes to express, an awareness or an escape is suggested.

Occasionally, the structure comes into play and the most original work of art comes to life under mortar, recycled clothing or papier. Acrylic and aerosol paint are involved in most of her work, but there is no element or material that will prevent MBoudreauart from trying to move you.

Isn't it the artist's primary goal to make us vibrate?

The tones used are contrasted, light and transparency are omnipresent in her art.

The colors of life are not the same for everyone and their nuances are complex.

A visual connection immerses you in your own critic. As soon as the artist's work is completed, the interpretation in itself no longer belongs to her and only yours prevail.

Her art offers an escape into the abyss of the imagination.

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