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Boudreau Monique, ''La dernière saison'', 15'' x 30'' x 1,5'', acrylique sur toile, $562.0

This artwork could be seen as a reflection on the finitude and cycle of life, using natural symbols and evocative landscapes. The tunnel extending towards an uncertain horizon seems to represent a passage, perhaps to the beyond, an ultimate destination that slowly but surely approaches. The tree at the center, stripped of its leaves, evokes autumn, a season of transition and decline. This tree also resembles a Christmas tree, a symbol often associated with the end of the year, highlighting a dual symbolism of closure and conclusion.


The agricultural land above the tunnel, which seems to be detaching and crumbling, might symbolize the fragility of our connection to nature, the exhaustion of resources, or the loss of something essential. The separated clouds occupying two distinct spaces suggest a division or duality: perhaps the separation between sky and earth, between the material and spiritual worlds, or a dichotomy between hope and desolation.


This piece could be seen as a meditation on how nature, the seasons, and our existence are intrinsically linked, while being marked by an inevitable passage towards the end of a cycle.

La dernière saison

Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions 15'' x 30'' x 1,5''

deco les 4 -15 x 30 avec la derniere saison.jpg
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